Friday, August 2, 2013

Jesse James Feeder Calf

Jesse James x My Turn Steer
Loads of potential

County Fair Recap

Made it through another county fair. The Walks Alone breeding heifer ended up winning her class and placing 3rd overall Commercial Breeding Heifer, the judge had so many good things to say about her..."I love that heifer, she is a show steer momma". She is for sale open ready to breed or be held for a fall calver. The Jesse James stocker feeder was the highlight of the week. Even though he is a late april calf going up against Jan/Feb calves, giving up 100Lbs...the judge fell in love. He ended up 3rd overall stocker feeder steer, but the comments from the judge were great. The Jesse James heifer ended up 4th overall stocker feeder heifer, but like the steer she was going up with calves with much more size. Its nice when calves out of first calf heifers can go and compete.
Muddy Creek Show Cattle